No I'm not.
Why does that have to be the first question someone asks when you're having a bit of a moan about something that bugs you? No I'm not pregnant, I'm just irritated. Is that ok with you? What if I had said yes? Would that then explain everything? Would you then knowingly nod and say 'Ah yes, that must be it...'. Perhaps the next time someone asks me that question, I will answer yes just to see what the response will be.
And on that note...what is people's obsession with wanting to know when I am going to pro-create? Is it not enough that I got married at all? Must I now submit to the age-old tradition of squeezing a small Winston Churchill-like being out of my womb? Don't get me wrong. I want small humans. But in my own time. When I'm good and ready. And if for some reason my timer goes off before having spawned, then so be it. There are always other options. Always.