Friday, March 4, 2011

Cold & common sense

It's still winter. Contrary to what some may think it is indeed still winter. So then why is it that when I find myself bundled up to the tip of my nose, I see young girls walking around with no coat on??? I don't know where they got the idea that shivering and suffering from hypothermia is cute. It's not. Trust me.
Then I sit to wait for the train and next to me is this quasi-hippie wearing flip flops. However, he seems to have some notion that it's cold because the only part of his feet exposed are his toes. The rest is covered by his jeans. Smart man.
What is it that compels humans to bare nearly all when winter is upon us? Do we as humans feel that somehow we are impervious to cold? Since when are we superhuman? Last time I checked, frostbite and hypothermia are very real conditions and neither is comfortable. Or do I just not understand because I myself am more of a tropical person and prefer the warmth of the sun? And before anyone asks why I then decided to move to a country where the sun has to think about whether or not she wants to come out and play, I did it because in spite of the weather, it's beautiful here and well it's where my husband lives.
I suppose common sense flies out of the window when you're trying to be cool.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Yes. I am going to go ahead and admit it. I'm broody. I see pictures of my friends kids and I find that I am jealous. I too want a small bundle of joy & frustration that I can share with the world. When will it be my turn? When will I have the chance to proudly show off the latest antics of my uber-adorable child?
I'm hoping that this year is the year that I get that chance. After all that biological clock that I've been steadfastly ignoring for the last decade is ticking more loudly than ever now.