Turning 40 feels just like turning 30.
I'm a year older and wiser. Or so they say. I will admit that I am older. To say I'm wiser would be presumptuous.
I am looking forward to being 40. I've often wondered what all the fuss is about. So far it's been great. I've been spoiled by my husband and my friends. Anyone would love that.
And then I was in the car this morning on the way to the rail station (I'm a commuter now!) and turned on the radio in an attempt to get a Rihanna song out of my head (it didn't work, the phrase 'chains and whips excite me' is still in there...) and caught the tail end of With or Without You. I loved that song when it first aired on the radio and I still love now. In fact that album was on of my favorites. Then the dj had to announce that the song came out 24 years ago! 24 YEARS???? It can't have been that long! Can it? It's not possible because I'm only...oh wait, that's right. I'm 40.
That's when reality sunk in and I finally gave in to the fact that I am indeed no longer in my 20s or 30s. But I refuse to accept that I am old. Old is a term reserved for bread that's been sitting out past it's sell by date. Old is a tree that has been around since dinosaurs walked the earth. 40 is by no means old. I will never be old. I may age (and I hope gracefully) and I may even wrinkle a bit (genetics prevent me from being wrinkled now) but I will NEVER be old.
So for those people who think that 40 is old, I say pphhhllppptttt!!!!! This spring chicken has some life left and I plan on enjoying it.
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