Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Serenity or something like it...

Sitting at my desk at work, I am thinking about how lucky I am that I have a window seat now and can look out of the window and watch the lake rippling. It truly is serene. Makes you forget about being annoyed because you missed breakfast. I know it is said all the time but life is too short to spend it dwelling on the negative. So why is it that we spend so much time of our lives being annoyed? Why can't we see the positive in everything? Why do we waste time quibbling over ridiculous things? 

I really don't have the answer to this one. I do know that I find myself wanting to sometimes rip my own hair out in frustration but for the life of me cannot figure out why. I have no reason for this so I will from this point forward make a conscious effort to not be annoyed all the time and to appreciate what and who I have in my life. 

I mean how can you be grumpy when Little Bunny Foo Foo is hopping across the lawn in front of your window??

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